Generosity and Stewardship Assessment
Generosity and Stewardship Assessment

Generosity and Stewardship Assessment

Regular price $119.00

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Generosity and financial stewardship play crucial roles in discipleship and the sustainability of the church's ministry. As members of the congregation, everyone’s perspectives on the church's efforts to foster a culture of biblical generosity and faithful stewardship are highly valued. Through this assessment, we aim to understand members' views on how effectively the church teaches, encourages, and provides opportunities related to financial giving, serving, and utilizing individual gifts and resources. The feedback on this assessment is instrumental in assessing the effectiveness of our preaching, discipleship, volunteer mobilization, and generosity initiatives. This assessment also enables leadership to evaluate efforts and identify potential improvements in motivating and equipping individuals toward whole-life stewardship.

Assess church members' generosity and stewardship with our professional and objective assessment. Unlock potential benefits by identifying areas for growth and providing scientific and fact-based insights. Improve the financial health of your church community with this valuable tool.